A Letter from the Rush Chairman:
As a new year begins, the first few days will prove to be both exciting and intimidating as you prepare to make decisions that will lay the foundation for your college experience and the rest of your life. One of those decisions is whether or not to pledge a fraternity. We'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Arizona State University, encourage you to explore the Greek system, and invite you to rush Sigma Chi. While being highly selective in our membership, the men of Sigma Chi suggest you do the same when choosing the organization that's right for you.
The Brothers at Sigma Chi strive to hold ourselves above every other fraternity through our commitment to academics, athletics, philanthropies, brotherhood, and social life. As an organization, we are committed to excellence in all these areas of college life, and for that reason Sigma Chi offers opportunities no other fraternity can. We firmly believe that the experiences you undergo as a Sigma Chi will make you a more passionate and stronger individual.
We understand Rush Week can be difficult and encourage you to ask around, attend different rush events, relax, and choose the fraternity that fits you. Listed below is a schedule of our rush events for that pivotal week. We are looking for well-rounded, enthusiastic, and solid individuals to be an integral part of our brotherhood and to share
the great experiences Sigma Chi has to offer.
You will have many opportunities at Arizona State University. Take advantage of this one. Not only will you ensure you have a complete college experience, but you will also forge life long friendships that no other organization can provide.
Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you during Rush Week.