Rush Starts September 2nd

Friday, October 24  11:00am-5:00pm

We are hosting "We Believe in Miracles Car Wash" to raise money for Brandon Hendrick’s family. Please inform your family and friends to come and donate to this worthy cause.

Friday, October 24  Family Weekend begins.

That night we will be holding a cocktail and dinner party at My Big Fat Greek Restaurant ($25 per person). 

Saturday, October 25

There will be a BBQ before the game ($20 per person). If your parents are interested in buying football tickets for the game on Saturday, October 25 contact our Quaestor, Conner Ferguson. 

Monday, October 27

The next chapter meeting is Monday, October 27 at 5:30pm. The chapter has been moved back one day because of family weekend.

Tuesday, October 28

Our Fraternity is sponsoring a blood drive in front of the Memorial Union. Please donate blood or come to help participate.

Friday and Saturday, November 7 and 8.  Fall Formal

Immediately contact Conner Ferguson to pay and reserve your spot, as there is room for only 28 couples. The cost is $300 per couple.Fall Formal is on November 7-8. Immediately contact Conner Ferguson to pay and reserve your spot, as there is room for only 28 couples. The cost is $300 per couple.

 Saturday, November 15. 

The ASU Chapter of Sigma Chi would like to invite you to stop by the house on Saturday November 16th and enjoy a great homecoming tailgate party.  Spend time with brothers from your college days and get to know the current undergrads.  Come to 606 Alpha Drive any time before, during, or after the football game to see how the house is doing and show your support for the chapter by having a great time.  Please email with any questions. In Hoc!